Clearly there is a tremendous demand for access to education in Pakistan. The need for education support is especially crucial in Balochistan center, the area where we concentrate our work, where it is not unusual to find thousands of children attending one school that was built for just a few hundred students. The children attend school in two and one-half hour shifts during the day, starting at 7:00 a.m. Thousands of students still attend school in tattered tents, exposed to soaring temperatures in the summer, dust, dirt and the cold in the spring and fall. Not surprisingly, the students come from families that are living on just a few hundred rupees a day and are most susceptible to extremists’ views and temptations.
"Exclusion from education disproportionately affects the most poor and vulnerable children. Without hope and opportunity, these children are more likely to be exploited or recruited by terrorist organizations." — UNICEF spokesman Edward Carwardine.
iLearn has identified 18 new schools in Balochistan , that needs repair work . We have successfully conducted a base-line research for the selected areas. We also manage teachers training programs, which have already taught several hundred rural teachers the fundamentals of teaching, as well as various disciplines in the classroom.
iLearn is driven to provide equal education opportunities for girls and women in Balochistan.

Since 2010, hundreds of children have entered the school system – most for the first time. One third of them are girls. Women are again allowed to teach, and some are even principals. Slowly but surely, the educational system is being rebuilt. The reality,

however, is that there are large gaps in the system, especially when it comes to girls. Recent data indicates that girls are still substantially under-represented among the students flooding the Balochistan education system. When school re-started in 2010, most girls began in the 1st grade. It is only recently that we are seeing girls ready for high school. As this demand increases, schools need to be expanded to accommodate the full range of classrooms needed for grades 1-12.

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